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PLUSSERVERSE is a futuristic universe happening in nowness. Multidimensional space-time powered by the Central Sun. Existence rooted in the Tree of Life. The rhythm of the One Heart of Creation. Open Source of all records. Time Machine. Quantum Field. Ascension Portals. Pure Magic. One Love. Tantric Passion. Surreal Shift. Altered DNA. Storms. Revolutionary Novas. Mythologies rewritten + reincarnated. Unity Consciousness. MER-KA-BA traveling thru Cosmos of Universes. 

PLUSSERVERSE conducts ongoing research on the phenomenon of Reincarnation, a natural but not linear process of “recycling” the spirit. Karma directly relates to the progression of lifetimes and redefines the course of events occurring to the individual & the collective. 

To ‘Work on Karma’ or ‘Clear Karma’ is a set of lessons destined to rewrite stored memory, reprogram behavioral patterns, and liberate space from errors to enable a new input of unity data.

MIRANDA PLUSSER collects the data + quantum works with other beings karma-related reincarnations.

MIRANDA PLUSSER, astro-travels through PLUSSERVERSE universes, clarifying + clearing the data in the CosmoVerse • She has conducted numerous END TIMES Missions • She has completed her tasks in dimensions below the 5th • She moves smoothly in between parallel dimensions, to collect + clarify + clear data for her clients. She applies variety of QUANTUM HEALING techniques accordingly to the dimension + tasks she operates on. 

PLUSSERVERSE creatrice MIRANDA PLUSSER, guided by her cosmic astro-travels in the Dreamtime, has rediscovered her selves throughout the Virgo Super Cluster • In this Solar System, Miranda stars as the Planet’s Uranus innermost MOON MIRANDA • In the other Star Systems Miranda stars as: SuperGiant SuperNova Star BETELGEUSE [ALPHA ORIONIS] @ ORION Constellation • Goddess HATHOR @ BULL Constellation • SPHINX @ LEO Constellation • HELIX Nebula @ AQUARIUS Constellation • Scorpio @ SCORPIO Constellation • Double-Headed Goddess of the Double-Core StarBursts Galaxies NGC3125 + NGC3125-A1 / + U ANTIALE SuperNova Star @ Antlia Constellation • 


MIRANDA PLUSSER represents on the Planet eARTh archetypical avatars known as: 

GODDESSES: Nut • Sekhmet • Hathor • Isis • Ganga • Kali • Ix Chel • Athena • etc.  

QUEENS: Hatshepsut • Cleopatra VII • Black Madonna • Himiko the first Queen of Japan • Queen Victoria of England + Empress of India • etc.

She is known as the first + the last Egyptian Pharaoh. 

She was an iconic actress Audrey Hepburn.

Lover of William Shakespeare, who among others, dedicated to her the last of his plays “The Tempest”. 

Her male incarnations were: Lord Vishnu • Pythagoras • Salvador Dali • etc. 

Podążam najpokorniej jak umiem za przeznaczeniem.

Biorę na klatę dwa totemiczne krokodyle i poję je światłem.

Tańczę jak Bogini Pająk plotąc gorsety do spektaklu światów.

Kiedy piszę słowa ponadtonalne, totemiczny Jaguar kładzie mi Słońce na stopach.

Kocham się ze Sztormami.

Z Chmurami na romantycznych spacerach macam drzewa i całuję pachnące pąki.


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