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eARThNOVA Conference +R


I had a conference with eARTh, and we changed perspectives! TIME OUT - SNOWMEN!!!

[You took YIN-eARTh + YIN-Portals for granted, in outdated YANG-programming. You missed on actualizing TAO-timing to deadly extremes… you cocky cowards, logos-maniacs, dogmatics, power-control freaks, polished dolls, system-prostitutes, morons, & satanists!!!]

12 extra years of Jupiter's cycle, I have given to you by postponing it's activity, in 2012! You are free to feel as if it were 2013 now & the Mayan’s END TIMES prophecy was correct! eARTh is POLE SHIFTING!

What have you done with those 12 extra years? A pandemic that vaccinated the Mark of the Beast! Wars that killed innocent beings! Sprayed/seeded toxic clouds, covered sunsets, exploded atomic bombs inside volcanoes, destroyed eARTh’s atmospheric layers to run the SNOWMEN-AGE ‘freezing the planet program’! You shot my storms in the eye! Cut down trees, polluted water, poisoned food! Interrupted the electromagnetic field with all your creepy antennas & sent more space junk into orbit. Etc. You also drugged & raped more children, to burn them down in wild fires for fuckinq cover up!!! You made war on the banks of EU, to destroy bio-labs evidence & whom you blamed for it?!!! 

What have you done to me for giving you those 12 extra years? Loads of extra global charity work! Even more complications, disappointments, ‘divorces’, harsher life conditions, etc. You isolated me & feared me as a threat to your disillusionment! You took away my wealth & a decade of work by canceling the Tokyo 2020 Olympics! You destroyed my health with 5G artificial electromagnetism and turned me into an insulin junkie! Was I too sweet to you? Finally, you left me so alone that it’s my pleasure to leave you in front of an apocalyptic disaster… 

What have I done with those 12 extra years? I developed systems to cast you even more precisely & skills to protect cosmic bodies from your evilness! In tune with the Planet eARTh, I account for her actual Calendar! I have cleared my karma, learned detachment from any sentiments, illusions, hopes, wishes, ambitions, possessions, etc. I have erased the majority of you from my Akashic Records, regained my sovereignty + virginity, & unpacked supernatural gifts + talents. With my fierce & fabulously looking storms, I purged oceans of hydro-reptilians + recalibrated waters with my holy tears! I have distributed you across the low spectrum of dimensions according to your vibrations.

If you hadn’t committed the above crimes, I would have navigated the most beautiful weather, charged Real Clouds with Acid Rain, given you advanced Quantum Divinatory devices, taught you Solar Tantra, and helped you clear karma instantly. Finally, I would have navigated the most gentle Pole Shift and maybe even gifted you more time.

Conference Summary: eARTh disagreed to further host any technospheric vandalism! She won’t serve any longer as your purgatory playground, where you run your silly games and perverted simulations. The Royal Purgatory I gifted to you will be placed in the Moon’s fart cloud after its explosion. Most of you didn’t make it through my Portal and have had your hands cut off. Those that didn’t make it through my other Portal will reincarnate as insects. Others, including black magic new-agers, spiritual stripteasers, drugged ravers & party cretins, narcissistic jerks, social media bitches, egomaniacs, psychopaths, etc., I have already locked down in the 4th Dimension! A few of you that made it to the 5th Dimension will be trained there for as long as they remain at 5D status. Douglas Vogt agreed to host some spiritual refugees, who will be given a second chance until the next Pole Shift, at his Saturnian Kingdom in this Solar System.

If you want to apply for a Spiritual Refugees Pass, or check if you are on board of the PLUSSERVERSE SpaceShip, BOOK DNA MATRIX +R Navigation Sessions.



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